Saturday 13 December 2014

How to get free bitcoins

A 21st century way to get free money online.

What's a bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

Getting started...

First, you'll need to get yourself a Bitcoin wallet. There are a variety of different options to choose from.

Web Wallets - In this instance we're going to use web wallets as they are the easiest and by far the most convenient to use. Each of the following is a quick, easy service to sign up to. (Personal preference)


Here's where the actual profit comes in. Faucet websites give you free bitcoins. They generate revenue from the ads on their website and allow a small trickle of bitcoin to their users as an incentive to keep traffic up. In short, they give you a slice of pie so that they can get several slices back from advertisers. It's usually a small amount, but if you have several faucets running at the same time, the amount you pull in will raise dramatically. Try a few (or all, depending on how much effort you want to put in and coins you want to get out) of these, and watch the coins stack up over the course of the day. On some of the following you can pull in up to $20 in bitcoin a day if you play it right.

The following are by far the best faucets I am aware of and have the highest or most frequent rates of pay.
Land Of Bitcoin - has a large list of faucets all on the same site which all pay into your microwallet. Very decent site. 

A number of notable others:
TreasureFaucet (Have hit the jackpot on this twice over the last week. Odds seem pretty good.)
999Dice  (Proven fair and pays out very well, given the right odds.)
WeekendBitcoin  - Very high paying faucet (claim amount moves up to 10,000 satoshi on weekends).

Several of the above pay into a microwallet -which is automatically set up when you enter your BTC address into the faucet- which then pays out all collected earnings once a week. The advantage to this is that you are paid more frequently and an overall higher amount.

Sites that pay bitcoins for doing tasks
Bitcoinget - this is by far the best site of its kind. I have earned the most bitcoins through here.

That should be enough to get you well on your way. Personally, I just keep all of the above open in tabs while I'm doing some browsing and click them once an hour, then cash the coins out to my wallet at the end of the day and leave them to accumulate. Using the faucets above along with the task site one could easily do this for a day job. And with the exchange rate for BTC going nowhere but up (just a few short years ago one BTC was only worth a few pennies but today one BTC is worth a little over 350 dollars) I'd personally rather hold on to mine as an investment.

I'll add other useful information as it occurs to me but for now, I'm signing off.

Best of luck!

-Updated Faucet List on Dec 15-
-Updated Faucet List on Dec 22- 
-Updated Faucet List on Dec 27-  
-Updated Faucet List on Dec 29-